Georgian Book Challenge. David Garrick and The Birth of Modern Theatre by Jean Benedetti.

 I joined Becky's Georgian Book Challenge ages ago. I am certainly running very late! Hopefully, she will hold it again next year. The first one I read was David Garrick and The Birth of Modern Theatre by Jean Benedetti.

David Garrick was hugely influential in the world of theatre, mostly by introducing a more 'natural' way of acting, but he also made it into a much more respected profession. A clever young boy, he was destined to be a wine merchant in the family business, but he always wanted to be an actor, and he had to struggle to go against his family, and become successful on the stage. His wife, a Viennese dancer, was also an extremely interesting person, and I would love to read a biography of her.

 I enjoyed this book, but Garrick was keen on 18th century philosophy, and there is a lot of philosophy in it, which I found a bit heavy. However, as I have more time to read now, I will read it again more slowly. I will probably do that during the year.


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