Take the Long Way Home by Rochelle Alers

 This sweeping saga covers over 80 years of Claudia Patterson’s life. It’s charming heroine, exotic locations, and historical setting certainly kept me interested. Claudia, who lives in a free Black town in the  Deep South, has a dramatic change in her lufe when she saves a young White boy. This comes back to haunt her when he becomes one of the leaders of the KKL. He is her main enemy, but Claudia not only has to fight racial prejudice to get ahead in her career; she also faces incredible suffering during the Civil Rights Era.

This story covers Claudia’s romances and marriages, her friendships and her family relationships. Although the author emphasizes how beautiful, intelligent and warm-hearted Claudia is, she doesn’t get on your nerves. This was easy-reading, but it might interest Americans more, although it was intriguing to read a novel written from a Black American perspective. I will look up Rochelle Alers’s other books, though, because I liked her writing, although I felt that it was a bit too detailed about bodily changes, and intimacy at times.

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