Scotland’s Medieval Queens From Saint Margaret to Margaret of Denmark by Sharon Bennett Connolly


I enjoyed this well-researched book but much of it was speculation because not that much is really known about Scotland’s medieval queens. There seemed to be more information about the kings in this book! However, they are all interesting. Many of them were not only good wives and mothers - they also founded abbeys and supported religious houses, took a hands-on approach to the management of estates and even had good diplomatic skills.

Queen Ermengarde, for example, was influential in public affairs and even negotiated with English emissaries. Queen Joan found her purpose in pursuing peace between Scotland and England. Queen Annabella secured the Stewart dynasty, furthered treaties abd corresponded with foreign courts. Queen Mary, wife of James III founded a hospital and established a friary for the Franciscans.

Any lover of Scottish or royal history would enjoy this book. 

I received this free ebook from NetGalley in return for an honest review.


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