TBR Challenge

I am going to do MitzB's TBR 2010 Challenge .

My List of Twelve Books

A Castle in Tuscany: The Remarkable Life of Janet Ross by Sarah Benjamin

Wordsworth and Coleridge by Adam Sisman

Time Out: 1000 Books to Change Your Life

That Summer in Sicily by Marlena de Blasi

Katherine The Virgin Widow by Jean Plaidy

True Grace by Wendy Leigh

The Emperor and the Actress by Joan Haslip

The Golden Fleece by Bertita Harding

A Place in the World called Paris

I Remember St.Petersburg by E.M. Almedingen

Paris to the Moon by Adam Gopkik

The Party that Lasted 100 Days by Hilary and Mary Evans

I will put by Alternative List up soon!

I've made a mistake and the print has suddenly got much smaller. Help! I've read: Paris to the Moon, That Summer in Sicily, and Katherine: The Virgin Widow.


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