A Skeptical Pilgrim. From Paris to the Pyrenees by David Downie
After David Downie suffers from various health problems, he decides to take the 'road least travelled' and walk the way of Saint James with his wife. He goes on a different route from most pilgrims. As he walks through the haunting scenery of the Morvan, he reflects on its ancient history, the role of the Resistance, and he also describes the people who he meets.
I thought that this was more of a travel book than the story of a pilgrimage. However, I enjoyed reading it, especially the history about Mitterrand and the history of the Resistance. Downie's condescending attitude to religion was annoying, however, and I am sure that many readers won't care for his anti-Catholicism.
I have one of his books about Paris, and I prefer that. I think that his heart lies there, but I also enjoyed this.