Home Detox Make Your Home a Healthier Place for Everyone Who Lives There by Daniella Chace

Filled with beautiful and inspiring photos, this book by Daniella Chace, provides a step-by-step guide to all the toxins that are found in the home, garden and even makeup, and how to get rid of them. She provides a list of the cleaning equipment that you will need to start, and recipes based on natural ingredients, such as bicarb soda  for cleaning various items. These are mostly easy to make, but some include Dr Bronner's products, which you may have to buy online in Australia.

Then she includes an extremely useful room-by-room guide to cleaning, including the laundry and the children's rooms. Apparently, tea-tree oil is wonderfully useful for cleaning, so I am certainly going to try that. I found this book so helpful that I am going to buy it!

I received this free ebook from NetGalley in return for an honest review.


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