Alley of Scented Roses by Abbas Mehran

 This is an enchanting novel, infused with Iranian culure and history, but set mostly in Melbourne. I was sorry to finish this lovely story. I also found the Iranian background fascinating.

Mitra, a writer in New York, suffering from writer’s block and astonished by her husband’s suddenly leaving her, decides to come home to Melbourne. Here, the beautiful world of her mother Noosha’s flower shop envelops her and she starts to heal. Noosha has a warm, loving and sunny personality, even though she has had a troubled life, and her employees also cheer Mitra up. She also stops being so self-absorbed when she discovers her friend Rana is being forced into an arranged marriage, and goes all out to help her. Gradually, Mitra goes on a journey back to finding her purpose, but will she also find love?

Abbas Mehran has written a fine tribute to his daughter. I won this book at LibraryThing in return for an honest review and Mr Mehran very kindly sent me a signed copy. 


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