Lockdown Australia Pandemic of Madness by Dave Ives


This will probably be a hugely controversial book bit good on Dave for telling it like it is. He makes the inconsistencies of the information that we received during the pandemic extremely clear and the unbelievable compliance of many people really did show just how easily a government can manipulate its population. Dave makes an excellent case for the craziness of most of the rules and why Australia was a laughing stock compared with many overseas countries.

At one stage, people were being quarantined at a hotel at the end of the street, which my husband was walking along. Even though he was outside, he had to stay at the other end of the street. He also got into trouble for not having his mask on properly - at the beach! 

These were minor problems compared with people being prevented from seeing their dying loved ones and going to funerals, of course. This happened all the time during the pandemic.

I wasnā€™t really that interested in their problems with returning to the U.S. though because I didnā€™t think that it was on the topic.

I received this free ebook from NetGalley in return for an honest review.


Hels saidā€¦
My husband was in hospital with a serious heart condition during the lockdowns, and I wasn't allowed to visit. It annoyed me, but I understood the hospital's policy totally.

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