Still Point by Regis Martin

Regis Martin originally wanted to call his book, 'Desperate Desire'.  This is because his book concerns the desperate desire we all have to be reconciled with God.  But Still Point also describes the search for God, the yearning we all experience to meet our dead friends and relatives again and the joy that finding God brings.

Still Point is not an easy read - it is really for people who like philosophy and theology. I liked studying Natural Law so I am happy to read well-written books such as this one. Part of Still Point is a deep philosophical argument that our search for God is the proof that he exists.  C. S. Lewis expressed this succinctly in a famous quote that I will have to find and write here.

It's a powerful book filled with anecdotes from Martin's life and beautiful quotations from poets such as T.S. Eliot.  I will certainly keep this and return to it often.


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