The Zen of Therapy Uncovering a Hidden Kindness in Life

 Mark Epstein transformed his therapy with his practise of Buddhism, which makes his counselling spiritual, rather than secular. This is a profound and interesting book in which he discusses how Buddhism, mindfulness and meditation help him look after his patients, and how this ultimately is distilled into kindness. He concludes that  anger is the cause of his patient's trauma, and he helps them overcome this, so that they can find peace.

I really enjoyed the discussion of the tenets of Buddhism, Freud's theories, and other elements of his therapy at first, but started to find it a bit heavy in the end. His case studies were enlightening, but could be upsetting to read, and there are a lot of them. However, this book was certainly helpful for anyone considering therapy, or just wanting to read about it.

I received this free ebook from NetGalley in return for an honest review.


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