A Happy Man In Conversation with Rossano Brazzi by Lynn Florkiewicz

Imagine strolling around Rome and Florence whilst talking with handsome, charismatic Rossano Brazzi, the famous actor and singer. This is exactly what the author of this book does. Usually, I don’t like fictionalised biographies but as a longtime admirer of Brazzi, she does it very well. She also talks with his relatives and friends so we receive a well-rounded view of him. He was an old-fasioned Italian man, bigger than life, a lover of women so he wasn’t always faithful to the warmhearted jolly Lydia but she didn’t seem to mind and he had other faults as well. However, an intellectual and lawyer as well as an actor, Rossano was extremely charismatic and likeable with great resilience which got him through hard times.

This is also a history of the era, including Rome’s La Dolce Vita, when all the movie-stars descended on the beautiful city and they all lived the wonderfully glamorous high life. It was certainly the place to be if you were famous and wealthy!

I really enjoyed this. It made me want to look for his films again.

I received this from Net Galley in return for an honest review.


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