Tigers in Red Weather by Liza Klaussman

Tigers in Red Weather by Liza Klaussmann should be read while sipping a cool drink on a green lawn at Martha's Vineyard or Rhode Island.  It's unusual and absorbing.

An atmospheric story with a post-Second World War setting, it tells the tale of two cousins, Nick and Helena.  Pretty and rebellious Nick is married to steady, handsome Hughes.  Weak and fragile Helena isn't as lucky.  She marries money-hunting Avery.

The story also involves the children, Daisy and the strange Ed.  When a horrific murder occurs it affects all of their lives.

This is well-written and the vivid characters almost leap off the stage but the novel annoyed me somewhat.  I was just getting involved in the stories of Nick and Helena when the tale suddenly moved forward to ten years later and I found myself reading about Daisy.  Also there were a lot of flashbacks so it was easy to get lost.  I also thought that there were too many characters.  This novel just wasn't focused enough, I thought.

However, the characters and the settings are memorable and it's good for a first novel.  You may have a different opinion.


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