Charles I's Executioners Civil War, Regicide and the Republic by James Hobson

I found this rather dry, although it is thoroughly researched and the regicides led interesting lives, although they were mostly a pretty nasty lot. They were somewhat fanatical men but James Hobson concludes that they had noble principles, and that 'they should never be remembered without gratitude'. He is critical of King Charles 1.

The 59 regicides include Deane, who the Royalist Edward Hyde called a 'bold and excellent officer', Hewson, who rode through London on the day of the King's execution forbidding public mourning, and Venn who was so hated that the parishionersat his church put a new bowl on top of the font, so that baptised children weren't tainted by sharing it! The 59 came from many different backgrounds, had varied careers, and didn't share the same beliefs.

This is well-worth reading if you are interested in King Charles 1, and the English Civil War.

I received this free ebook from NetGalley in return for an honest review.


Hels said…
As much as I loathe the idea of war in general, and civil war in particular, before-during-and-after the English Civil War has remained a core era in my history courses. How did a society that was totally divided deal with the differences? If it happened in today's world, would a divided society deal with it in a more sophisticated and less brutal way (eg Trump)?
Viola said…
Thank you very much for such an interesting comment, Hels. Civil wars can spring up amazingly quickly. We had friends who went to Syria not long before the war began there, and there was no sign then that it was coming. I also remember watching a series about a private high school for girls in Syria which was very impressive.
I doubt that the US is so divided that it will descend into violence, but you can never tell.

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