A Delight for Fans of Steam-Punk. The Brass Queen by Elisabeth Chatworth

 Tall towers surrounded by purple lightning flashes, invisible assassins and carriages in which delicious breakfasts suddenly appear out of the air. This book takes you into a Victorian world powered by steampunk, and filled with dangerous devices. It also includes devices that you wish that you had, however.

Fiesty red-haired Constance, an arms-dealer, is upset when her scientist friend is kidnapped at her birthday party. Together with the cowboy Trusdale, she finds herself fighting to find a scientist with an invisibility serum and save the world from war. Constance finds Trusdale annoying at first, but she has to learn that he's on her side.

I am not a fan of steam-punk, and this book is really for steam-punk fans. However, I liked the main characters, and the alternative world and humour-laced writing were quite brilliant. Even though Constance was so confident, she made mistakes and she was quite vulnerable where her family were concerned. Trusdale was a lovely character. I am a fan of Queen Victoria, and some remarks in the book about her annoyed me!

I received this free book from Cam Cat Books in return for an honest review.


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