The Land Girl's Secret The emotional wartime saga from Fenella J Miller for 2023 by Fenella J Miller


It is 1941, and Hannah has run away from home to become a landgirl, because of a dark secret. When she meets Jack, a handsome pilot at a dance, she feels attracted to him, but scared of men, she doesn't want to do anything about it. When she discovers a German pilot who has been shot down and injured, she starts helping him, knowing that his colleagues shot Jack's friends down in cold blood. Now she could be accused of treason!

There is a lot of action in this exciting story, and Hannah was a lovely heroine, although I missed Fenella J. Miller's usual characters. However, it's well-researched, and Miller's excellent research helps to involve you in the heightened wartime atmosphere. Miller is also good at writing chapters from the man's point-of-view, which I enjoy. I look forward to her next one!

I received this free ebook from NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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