The Lucky Culture by Nick Cater

Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating explained to the Queen that we are a mature country ready to be a republic, and that Australians would eventually 'progress' in that direction. The Queen listened, and offered Mr Keating a drink. The Australian people voted overwhelmingly against a republic in a Referendum on the question soon afterwards. 

The media, the ABC and intellectuals were horrified. Is there a class of intolerant, elitist intellectuals who are attempting to run Australia, a previously tolerant and egalitarian country? Does this class agree with the values and beliefs of the people? This is the question that Cater discusses in this well-written and mostly interesting book.

This class, Cater argues, shares a set of opinions, and they can't understand anybody who disagrees with them. These opinions include the opinion that Australia should be a republic, and agreement with the theory of global warming, gay marriage, and strong environmentalism. They are snobbish and elitist toward so-called 'Bogans', and anyone who argues with any of these beliefs. Most of them hate religion, especially Catholicism.

 Cater discusses how Australia is changing because of these people, and whether this is a good thing. He includes chapters about how these intellectuals have taken over the ABC and the media, and started a human rights industry. He also analyses Australian history and their attitudes towards it. Your opinion of this book is likely to depend on whether you agree with Cater or not. His argument is certainly controversial. Unfortunately, his writing becomes rather dry sometimes. It's certainly very much worth reading, however.


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