
Showing posts from 2015

Hollywood Celebrates the Holidays 1920ā€“1970 by Karie Bible & Mary Mallory Schiffer Publishing Ltd.

Born to Rule by Paddy Manning

The Witch of Lime Street by David Jaher

Wallis by Anne Edwards

Mary, Queen of Scots by John Hale

6:41 to Paris by Jean-Philippe Blondel

Avenue of Spies. A True Story of Terror, Espionage, and one American Familyā€™s Heroic Resistance in Nazi-Occupied Paris by Alex Kershaw

Dandelions by Katrina McKelvey and Kirrili Lonergan

Treading Water by Angie Oakley

Elizabeth 1 Renaissance Prince by Lisa Hilton

The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George

The Light of Hidden Flowers by Jennifer Handford

Mrs Roosevelt's Confidante by Susan Ellia MacNeil

The Bronte Plot by Katherine Reay

On Stalin's Team The Years of Living Dangerously in Soviet Politics Sheila Fitzpatrick

Modern Love The lives of John and Sunday Reed Lesley Harding and Kendrah Morgan

Amberwell by D.E. Stevenson

Our Man in Charleston Britain's Secret Agent in the Civil War South by Christopher Dickey

The Promise of Provence Love in Provence Series, Book 1 Patricia Sands

Fast Forward How Women Can Achieve Power and Purpose by Melanne Verveer, Kim K. Azzarelli

Footprints in the Desert by Maha Akhtar

Who Was The Real Father Brown?

An Improbable Friendship by Anthony David

The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest. A Medieval Fairy Tale by Melanie Dickerson

My First Time In Hollywood Stories from the Pioneers, Dreamers and Misfits Who Made the Movies Edited and Annotated by Cari Beauchamp

The Echoing Grove by Rosamond Lehmann

Winston Churchill Reporting Adventures of a Young War Correspondent Simon Read

The Storm Leopards by Holly Webb

Suddenly Mrs Darcy

A Special Relationship by Anthony Slide

Memories of the Mansion The Story of Georgia's Governor's Mansion by Sandra D. Deal, Jennifer W. Dickey, and Catherine M. Lewis University of Georgia Press

Mayhem in Margeaux by Jean-Pierre Aleux and Noel Balen

The Race for Paris by Meg Waite Clayton

Harem The World Behind the Veil by Alev Lytle Croutier

The Rothschilds by Virginia Cowles

Prince Rupert by Charles Spencer

Maverick Mountaineer by Robert Wainwright

My Badass Book of Saints Courageous Women Who Showed Me How to Live Maria Morera Johnson Ave Maria Press Pub Date: Nov 20 2015 |

Joy Poet, Seeker, and the Woman Who Captivated C. S. Lewis by Abigail Santamaria

C.S.Lewis and the Crisis of a Christian by Gregory Cootsona

The Dress by Kate Kerrigan

Mother Passed Away Last Week

The Romanovs by Virginia Cowles

The Beast's Garden by Kate Forsyth

Edith Cavell Faith before the Firing Squad by Catherine Butcher

The Eagle in Splendor: Inside the Court of Napoleons by Phillip Mansel

Only Yesterday by Frederick Lewis Allen

Called for Life by Kent and Amber Brantly with David Thomas

The Collector by Anne-Laure ThiƩblemont Le French Book Mystery & Thrillers, Literature/Fiction (Adult)

Living a Life That Matters ā€“ A Memoir of the Marquis de Lafayette by David M. Weitzman

Must You Go? by Antonia Fraser

A Decade of French Fashion, 1929-1938 From the Depression to the Brink of War Mary Carolyn Waldrep

The Catholic Advantage by Bill Donahue

The Irish Brotherhood by Helen O'Donnell

After Perfect: A Daughter's Memoir by Christina McDowell

Enchantress of Paris by Marci Jefferson

Invitation to the Waltz by Rosamond Lehmann

Rimsky-Korsakov: Letters To His Family and Friends by Tatiana Rimsky-korsakov

Arriving at Amen: Seven Catholic Prayers That Even I Can Offer Leah Libresco Ave Maria Press

Better and Faster by Jeremy Gutsche

Strolling through Rome by Mario Erasmo

In The Front Row. How Australian Fashion Made The World Stage by Simon P. Lock