
Showing posts from 2017

Teenage Resistance Fighter with the Maquisards in Occupied France by Hubert Verneret

To Light A Fire On The Earth. Proclaiming the Gospel in a Secular Age. Bishop Robert Barron in conversation with John L. Allen, Jr.

The Austen Escape by Katherine Reay Thomas Nelson--FICTION

Return to Shepherd Avenue by Charlie Carillo

A Dangerous Legacy by Elizabeth Camden

Hank and Jim The Fifty-Year Friendship of Henry Fonda and James Stewart by Scott Eyman Simon & Schuster Biographies & Memoirs

The Spirituality of Jane Austen by Paula Hollingsworth Lion Hudson Plc

The Potential Principle by Mark Sanborn

The Far Away Brothers Two Young Migrants and the Making of an American Life by Lauren Markham

A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived by Adam Rutherford (Author); Siddhartha Mukherjee (Foreword)

Vigil in the Night by AJ Cronin

Why I Am Catholic (and You Should Be Too) by Brandon Vogt

The Making of Jane Austen

Grant & I: Inside and Outside the Go-Betweens by Robert Forster

I, Eliza Hamilton by Susan Holloway Scott

A Letter From Italy by Pamela Hart

How To Be A Catholic Hipster. The Catholic Hipster Handbook by Tommy Tighe Ave Maria Press

Deadly Proof by Rachel Dylan

A Novel of Sweet Tea and Sensibility Jane of Austin by Hilary Manton Lodge

How to Listen So People Will Talk Build Stronger Communication and Deeper Connections by Becky Harling

Alexander Hamilton's Revolution His Vital Role as Washingtonā€™s Chief of Staff by Phillip Thomas Tucker

A New England Affair by Steven Carroll

The World of Laura Ingalls Wilder The Frontier Landscapes that Inspired the Little House Books by Marta McDowell

Life on the Victorian Stage Theatrical Gossip by Nell Darby

Tudor Fashion by Eleri Lynn Yale University Press

Free Speech on Campus by Erwin Chemerinsky, Howard Gillman Yale University Press

Your Shelf Victoria & Abdul (Movie Tie-in) : The True Story of the Queen's Closest Confidant Shrabani Basu

As I Saw It A Reporterā€™s Intrepid Journey by Marvin Scott

Train to Nowhere One Woman's War, Ambulance Driver, Reporter, Liberator by Anita Leslie

Doorkins the Cathedral Cat by Lisa Gutwein

Real Artists Don't Starve by Jeff Goins

Edward VII The Prince of Wales and the Women He Loved by Catharine Arnold

The Imitation of Christ by Thomas Ć  Kempis Ave Maria Press

Buddwing A Novel by Evan Hunter

The Kennedy Imprisonment A Meditation on Power by Garry Wills Open Road Integrated Media

Marlene Dietrich by Maria Riva

Strrength , Personality and Grace. The Woman I Wanted To Be by Diane von Furstenberg

Penance of the Damned by Peter Tremayne

Make Space by Regina Wong

Eight is Enough A Father's Memoir of Life with his Extra Large Family by Tom Braden

After Many Years Twenty - One "Long Lost" Stories by L.M. Montgomery by Carolyn Strom & Christy Woster

How To Color Like An Artist Instructions for Blending, Shading and Other Techniques by Veronica Winters

God Moments Unexpected Encounters in the Ordinary by Andy Otto